Saturday, March 10, 2007

Buggers Belief

Homosexuals will be able to insist that churches open up the doors of their social centres for them to hold their meetings if the new legislation beomes law. Christian printers will be forced to accept and print homosexual organisations' literature. This is tyranny. This is open war. Will the Church stand up to this blatant provocation and intimidation? I wish I could say unreservedly yes. I fear it will not.

Keep your Crutch out of our Church would be a good rallying cry. What we are more likely to hear form the Church is not a bang but a whimper.

Of course it doesn't work the other way. Homosexual groups will not have to print literature from churchses condemning homosexuality because that of course would be 'homophobia' - the secular heresy. It's a win win situation for them. If that is they are allowed to get away with it.

Sodom and Gomorrah coming to your church very soon.......

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