Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Dickins Curmudgeon RIP

Sad death of Mike Dickins in a car crash. Probably one of the best British broadcasters in the last 50 years. There will be a big hole in Talksport which not even the great Whale will be able to fill.


Bret Reid said...

Yes but how exactly did he die in this alleged 6 car pile-up ''accident''. He was the only one badly hurt, and the only one airlifted to... WHERE? I heard NO radio news reports on this, not even on Talk Sport, nor the BBC. He contantly maintained Diana was no accident. He should know, he was on air when it happened. If you search Mike Dicken (or Dickin?), you will find the conspiracy sites already like this one:

niconoclast said...

How ironic that the only time I ever spoke to him was the day after Diana died. He was surprisingly pro-Diana -or does my memory play tricks here? Somewhere amongst my hundreds of tapes(!) is the recording of our brief conversation.

As you know my friend I do not share your penchant for conspiracy theories -and can only go down that road to the extent of saying that there is a MSM conspiracy to ignore radical Conservatives like Dickin. They hope if they ignore them they will go away.Unfortunately Dickin did...

I actually think conspiracy theories are a secular religion for some folk. A mutual acquaintance even claims he met someone in a pub who said he was from another planet. When F.C took him to task JR said 'Why Would the man be lying?' ( !! )

Bret Reid said...

I see also that 5 Live's Brief Lives made no mention of his death last Sunday, and a caller to George Galloway on Talksport confirmed that the BBC made no mention of Mike's death. Is the BBC losing its impartiality? Surely not!

niconoclast said...

Lets hope his work has been preserved and archived so we can enjoy his fulminations beyond the grave

Bret Reid said...

By the way, happy ... bah, humbug!