Sunday, December 10, 2006

Anti Communist Hero Pinnochet Dies

He rid his nation of the evil of communism and presided over an economic boom as well as giving assistance to the UK in the Falklands war. If he was such a right wing president how come he sided with Britain against the fascist dictatorship of Argentina? No leftists have addressed this. As the hate figure of the Left Pinnochet's departure deserves our commiseration and their hounding of him in his last years in which this government assited will be one more black mark against Kim ill Blair.


Bret Reid said...

sorry niconoclast, i wont bother u again, bye!

niconoclast said...

Don't let the door hit your a### on the way out!

Sky Captain said...

That's a very good point.
Could it have been Chile vs Argentina?

Raw Carrot said...

Did you hear about the Beeb's reporter who was reporting from outside the funeral and who got totally humiliated when Pinochet's supporters through water bombs at her?

Good stuff.

If it had been lefties doing the attacking, they'd have probably beaten her to a pulp. Violent skanks.