Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Blair: Great Great Speech

And I only heard the last 20 minutes! Can any Labourite hearing him today not be thinking what on earth have we done to jettison such a brilliant classic labour leader for a third rate speaker who has all the charisma of a used teabag?

Just as the Americans couldn't understand why Thatcher was dumped - for John Major (!) they find it incomprehensible why Blair's party should be relinquishing such a great leader. Could this be the start of Labour's wilderness years all over again?


Sky Captain said...

Let's hope so,eh?
And he's not just a used teabag; he's a truculent schoolboy, who has grown to feel that it is his 'right' to rule.
In other words, mysteriously powerful Tony promised him this all those years ago, so now he thinks that it is the duty of 60 million Brits to submit to his will.
I'll laugh till I vomit if and when he gets thrown to the kerb.

niconoclast said...

Ask not for whom the bell tolls Gordon Quasimodo -it tolls for thee!

Raw Carrot said...

what i love is that 'new' labour, with blair going, are starting to think, "oh goody, we can go back to how we are supposed to be" -- excellent. you start trying to nationalise again. bunch of spags. guarantees a tory win... not that that will necessarily be any better!!!