Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Bi Polar Bears No Scrutiny

Stephen Fry, who I have to acknowledge is quite the most charming and greatly gifted fellow has been on a two part BBC documentary about manic depression, now called bi polar disorder. Most patients of this condition are on permanent medication with lithium etc to keep the extreme manic symptoms at bay.

I am not so sure deploying psychobabble terms such as bi polar, attention deficit syndrome etc to mental states is at all helpful. Very often it obscures the matter and renders it harder to address.

What in the past would have been understood as common garden anger, rage, resentment, self pity, petulance is given a pseudo scientific name and thus excused. The person is no longer responsible for their infantile regressive delinquency and becomes a victim. Thus is a vice transformed into a virtue.

This is good business for the legions of psychobabblers and quacks and the legions in pharmaceutical industry pedalling their chemical coshes but it is nothing short of disastrous for society with its moral compass smashed and its worst vices pathologised away.

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