Friday, December 16, 2005

Reflections On The British Revolution

Sometimes I wonder if it is productive to dwell on the leftist insanity in society.It could furnish you with material for eternity but does it serve much purpose?

I feel that it is no substitute for action.Capitalism needs its Lenin.In my more delusional moments I dream that role could be mine.(It lasts till the caffeine wears off..)

Could it be possible to finish the Thatcherite Revolution?When I look at Camoron I despair.The Conservatives could not be further away from bringing that about.

Where on earth could one start?Are we powerless to effect change?Have things gone too far?Are people beyond reach?

How come Conservatives have won the argument but the Left have won the war?They even have to pretend to be Conservatives...

The trouble with Conservatives is that they are too weak.All this compassion guff of Camoron is proof of this apologetic craven self abasement.

More on this another time,my head hurts...


niconoclast said...

True. Welcome.

Have you read The Law by Frederik Bastiat?

Reading Kafka put me off Law.

Are you going to do a blog?

Raw Carrot said...

Seeing you label him "Camoron" made me chuckle.

I know what you mean about the lack of any real passionate activity on the Right... Am tempted to tag along on one of the loonie left anti-capitalist marches and get a few pointers on how to get a movement going.

Of course, I would probably be found-out fairly quickly... my sign would read: "I LOVE THATCHER".

niconoclast said...

Well Gavin if you think you can do some good within the Party fine although remember that 'characteristics are reliable' and the Conservatives have form on EU going back 30 years.Boy do they have form...

JK said...

The right man at the right time can make all the difference in the world, as Fortuyn showed in Holland. Known for his political ideas and his columns he was invited to become the leader of Leefbaar Nederland. However, he refused to conform to the PC guidelines of his party when he referred to Islam as a backward religion and called for a stop on immigration. This resulted in his expulsion from the party shortly before the election, but in no time he and likeminded others managed to round up people for a new political party built around Fortuyn's vision. If Fortuyn had not been murdered they would have become the biggest political party in Holland, and single-handedly and against all odds Fortuyn would have managed to blow the political establishment out of the water.

I mention this as an example that one does not HAVE to conform to the conservative party if it has been infiltrated by feeble, socialist minded PC lovers so that the party is destroyed by the rot from within (this strategy always works very well). A believable, sincere man is capable of reaching the hearts of many people, and if the passion of a man's heart is inclined toward politics, there's a lot that can be accomplished by the right man at the right time.

niconoclast said...

Hmmm...Cometh the hour..

Makes you think that it was not just the muslim nihilists who were happy Fortuyn's fortune ran out.

I remember him being interviewed briefly on the BBC (or as I have now dubbed it The BPC),and the usual leftist interviewer mouthed his prattle, and Fortuyn blew the interviewer away with just a few trenchant words.Very impressive.

niconoclast said...

Incidentally Raw Carrot when I click on to your comment link it goes on to a blank blog.You may want to check that out -but then again it could well be my techno illiterate fault.