Monday, December 19, 2005

Prezza Boxes Clever (Yeah,right)

Seething envy eaten mediocrity Fat Controller Prescott rages against 11 plus type selection and Blair's educational reform.He failed the exam and has been raging internally about it ever since.

Well such 'failure' didn't stop him from becoming Deputy Prime Minister (scary though that is).

Maybe the reforms will be watered down as a result of cabinet or back bench rebellion but they are no great radical change anyway. The Nut-ters have got such a stranglehold on education along with the lea's that I will believe it all happens when it happens.

The Conservatives are right to support the modest reforms but not if they are watered down any more.Of course they should really be advocating total privatisation of the educational system but that would be to expect an ideological clarity that is alas quite foreign to them.

1 comment:

alechodgson said...

The stupid left-wing bastards: what is the point of giving schools over their admissions if this doesn’t include selection? The main point of education must be some form of academic progression. Selection by academic ability is therefore the only form of selection that makes sense.

Prescott demonstrates the typical left-wing hatred of achievement that harms everyone, dumb and clever, rich and poor. Nobody can be chosen because they are clever – this makes stupid kids feel stupid. The alternative is that they all go to a rubbish school, and noone gets a good education. The bright kids can adapt and deal with this, and they will emerge relatively ahead. The stupid kids can’t get the attention they need in such an environment, so do even worse, loosing all interest in an education policy that can’t respond to their needs. Everyone is made worse off -especially the less able kids – in the name of the Left’s ‘equality’ ideology.

That said, the Tories should support the bill to irk Brown. Brown scares me. The damage he has done to the economy as chancellor will haunt the country for decades to come. Here is a chancellor that wants to take my money and spend it for me because he thinks I am too stupid and selfish to do it myself. He has made millions of people miserable and rotten by forcing them into benefit dependency. Not only has he harmed everyone through his tax and spend policies, but he has particularly harmed the poor by reducing social mobility through education and welfare policies. We must do everything we can to hurt this man.