Thursday, December 08, 2005

Off His Head

The 'peace' protestor Mr Kember being held hostage by the islamic terrorists referred scathingly to 'Tony Blair's War' in a video released by his captives.Now he has revealed where he is coming from I for one hope they do lop his head of.It will teach these peacenics you cannot parley with madmen.

As dumb as they are the terrorists know he is worth more to them alive than dead and if I were to predict the outcome he will be released.

As the spokesman of the British Coucil of Muslims said Mr Kember is on the side of his captors so he will not come to any grief.A stagering but true statement.These peacenics truly are on the side of the terrorists.

1 comment:

JK said...

During WWII Holland had it's share of collaborators with Germany. Today's sympathizers with fascist regimes are of the same ilk, and the UN seems to thrive on them.