Monday, December 12, 2005

Arnie Frying Tonight

That psycho killer on Death Row must be given the chair.Why has it taken so long?

We need Sparky here in the UK.These days liberals think punishment for murder means taking the perpetrators library card away.


Raw Carrot said...

Here are more peeps who should perhaps be visiting Sparky sooner rather than later:

Telegraph News Story

alechodgson said...

Just imagine the potential headlines "Unemployment down by 900,000"....

A quick spring clean once in a while would soon break the "cycle of deprivation" and solve the overcrowding of the prisons to boot.

niconoclast said...

I don't know who you guys are - yet - but I am sure glad to welcome you to this site.Thanks for your comments.

alechodgson said...

Hi niconoclast. Nice blog. Short, strong but correct posts!


niconoclast said...
