Sunday, November 06, 2005

France Surrenders To Islamic Terrorists

Well France does have form on cravenly surrendering to any who would threaten it so its cowardly supine negligence in the face of ten days of rioting by islamic immigrants is hardly surprising.

Nor of course is the coverage in the British media who for a week tried to pretend it wasn't happening and have now taken up the story soley from the point of view of sympathy and empathy with the rioting sub human muslim scum. Blame is heaped on Sarcosi who actually called the rioters what they are.Blame is heaped on everyone and everything except where it belongs on the pieces of human excrement that have run riot throughout France unchecked.

Could France fall to Islam?It is looking that way right now.We may have the first Islamic State in Europe right on our doorstep.Yes we do need our nukes updated.NOW!

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