Monday, November 14, 2005

Bullying In Schools: Institutionalised Denialism

Bullying in State schools is institutionalised for one simple but hitherto undiscussed reason.We have had lots of horror stories of late about brutalist attacks on pupils by fellow pupils but the response by the media and the schools in question have been predictably feeble,pusilaminous, evasive and rationale riddled.

There is one elementary reason for this denialist rationale.The schools are State run,and ergo staffed by a predominantly liberal faculty and what is the liberal default mode mindset re criminal behaviour?A collective looking the other way.A collective pro criminal pro offender disposition.The victim can go hang and as we have also seen of late many of the bullied do resort to suicide in the absence of any support or protection from the criminal colluding liberal educational establishment.

Only one thing will correct this monstrous liberalist collaboration with criminal thugs in the schools.The parents of the victims should sue the ass off the schools where the assaults occur.That alone will concentrate the liberal minds of the harbourers of criminal elements within the schools.

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