Thursday, November 24, 2005

Bush re Al Jazeera: Way To Go

Bush wanted to bomb Al Jazeera we are told.Totally legitimate target.Al Jazeera is the Goebelles propaganda outfit for Al Queda and should have been raized to the ground 2 years ago.

Borris Johnson very bravely says in the Telegraph today that if he came across the printed plans of Bush's intentions he would print them and risk going to jail(the government has threatened that sanction should the press print the information). Pray Borrris gets his wish and this blundering buffoon will be locked up out of harms way

1 comment:

JK said...

Some of the anti-Semitic propaganda on Al Jazeera makes the Nazis look like choir boys. Too bad the station is still fuelling the nefarious need to hate the Jews in the middle east.