Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Isn't It Time To Nuke Iran?

We waited too long with Russia.Had the US nuked it before it got nuclear weapons think how many lives would have been saved in the 'cold war'.

Israel took out Iraq's nukes in the 80's in a premptive strike. Surely now is the time for either Israel or American to strike -while the Iran is hot. We cannot have mad Mullahs with nukes. They have a death wish and like all suicides they want to take everyone else with them.There can be no MAD(mutually assured destruction) deterrence here because you cannot reason with them or offer them anything.Only complete subjection and submisssion will do.'Islam' means submission after all.

Sadly Israel is preoccupied with submitting to the Palestinian Nazis who seek only its destruction by giving up land; as if the Arabs don't have a whole continent to live in.

1 comment:

Brent said...

I know that this post is almost a year old. I just have to comment.

This post was way ahead of its time.

I too have said similar things.

I also mentioned about a year and a half ago, that this is WWIII. Of course, I was mocked and ridiculed, called paranoid, and even a warmonger, by the liberals (of course).

I suppose I was way ahead of my time too.

Now even [some] liberals are starting to recognize that we are, in fact, in WWIII.

Anyway, stay good.