Monday, August 01, 2005

Capitol Punnishment for Muslim Terrorists

Surely it is time to bring it back. No reasonable person could object to convicted terrorists being executed. One of them is actually surnamed Haw. Lord Haw Haw was executed merely for propagandising for the Nazis, not actually murdering or attempting to himself.

Perhaps we are too morally enfeebled and divided as a nation to stand up against those who seek to destroy us. Unlike during WW2 when the people were hardened by circumstances we have had 50 years of socialism and have become soft and decadent,according murderous scumbags rights and lawyers and benefits.

Multiculturalism has weakened us which is what the leftists who promoted it wanted so we are not able to unite against the muslim foe.

There is a glimmer of hope as a sizeable number of people poled support the police actions in pursuing suspects,racial profiling - and even the use of torture! Give em the taser treatment.Make em squeal!

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