Saturday, April 23, 2005

Taxation and the Death of Liberty

If a home owner has a right to defend himself from a burglar with whatever force is necessary then he also has a right to defend himself from thieving politicians who use the power of the State to rob him of his income through taxation - also using whatever force is necessary.

The State cannot use the excuse that it has the mob on its side who voted for taxation anymore than a burglar can claim legality by the number of fellow burglars he brings with him on the job.

Taxation is theft,the tool of tyranny, the use of force to deprive of person of his property gained through work and industry to give to those who haven't earned it. If this is 'redistribution of wealth' then so is the burgulary. Linguistics and semantics cannot disguise the nature of the acts in both cases - unadulterated theft and plunder.

Mass civil disobedience is not just an option but a required course if this country is to free itself from the tyrannical overbearing hand of the State.

Democracy is elective dictatorship and an asault on liberty and must be resisted with whatever force is necessary.

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