Sunday, April 03, 2005

Democracy Violates Individual Rights at Every Turn

Coming up to a general election I cannot help reflecting on how Democracy isn't all it's cracked up to be. It is rule by the lowest common denominator - Mobocracy and the intelligent few are held hostage to it.

Why should my life be determined by cretins and moron's uninformed whim who will vote for the Stupid Party (Labour -Liberals) who will promise them yet more of the unearned in welfare with my taxes?

Meritocracy is preferable,rule by the intelligent and solvent,those who run businesses,who employ others and contribute to the Capitalist system,not the takers and parasites,looters and moochers who only seem capable of reproducing and draining the productive classes.

In fact no one under 25 should be able to vote except he falls into the above meritocratic group. It is hardly surprising that Labour wants the vote given to 16 year olds -malleable putty shaped and brainwashed in Labour sink comprehensives.

State employees should likewise be excluded as they are but a parasitic client group of Labour bought with working people's taxes .

Should women have the vote even? Surely not as it their role to follow not to lead or make decisions that affect the public weal.

Immigrants are another group ineligible for the vote particularly Muslims who pose a threat to Western values and are a cultural bacillus.((Not all muslims of course but way too many)
Democracy sucks and Meritocracy is superior.

Thankfully many cretins will not vote. The stupid ones are disaffected from Labour so the Conservatives may scrape home. But we shouln't leave it to chance and happenstance. The present system need scrapping as it violates freedom and individual rights.