Sunday, April 24, 2005


It always makes me laugh when liberals whine: 'prison doesn't work - you let them out they re-offend!'.Duh. You let them out of course they re- -offend.

How many years in university does it take these gigantic intellects in the penal reform parallel universe to come to such asinine leaps of pretzellogic?

As well say 'look, this dog leash doesn't work -as soon as we let fido off the leash he runs away!

Us common sense oriented Tory folk understand a simple thing (because we are kind of simple and hold steadfastly to that old principle of one and one is two) that with Some criminals you have to THROW AWAY THE KEY! Ergo recidivism is eliminated. Revolving doors become slamming doors, period.

We give criminals free meals,colour TV, DVDs,a social life,cigarettes and all the other luxuries of life and they still they end up coming back! Only liberals wonder why,everyone else over 3 years old can figure it out.

'Prison doesn't rehabilitate them'. Er tell me dear befuddled liberal -how can people who have never been habilitated get rehabilitated?

The rest of us will settle with these specimen of social pathology being locked up forever in little dank cells thank you very much.

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