Saturday, July 15, 2017

Privatisation of Political Parties

Forcing citizens to finance any political party whose philosophy and ideology is perceived by them to be antithetical and inimical to their deeply held values and philosophy is tyrannical. It has created a tax funded duopoly of Conservative and Labour and it violates the principle of free speech and the right of the citizen  not to have to finance the promotion and promulgation of ideas that potentially or directly threaten their individual rights and liberties.

For this reason all political parties should receive no tax funded contributions and each individual citizen should financially support the respective political party that most represents their views and ideology and there should be no monetary cap on how much they donate as at present. The latter notion is pure egalitarianism implicitly saying that every party should receive the same financial amount and no one should be able to give more than anyone else which is a gross violation of free speech.

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