Thursday, July 13, 2017

Bonfire of the Regulatory State

As I have pointed out previously State regulation of business trade and industry is defacto nationalization of them in a creeping underhand implicit unstated form. When the State is not strangling business in mountains of regulation it is launching expensive tax funded governmental research from 'independent' personages - witness the report on Uber's business model from the Blairite Leftist Matthew Taylor -  with the express and sole purpose of using such 'expert' advice to initiate yet more anti business legislation in this case forcing Uber to pay the same onerous benefits to their employees as traditional employers, effectively destroying the whole gig economy in the process.

On top of this invasive creeping nationalisation of the whole economy the State plunders the so called private sector with punitive fines for poor services,trains running late etc. This is another gross violation of property rights and is further reason why the State should have no role in policing or regulating business trade and industry. The State should no more be able to fine rail companies for running a poor service than they should be able to fine the local newsagent for failing to provide sufficient amounts of newspapers or oranges to their customers.

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