Sunday, November 16, 2014

There is another Way

We are constantly told that the present system of democracy is what we must stick with because any alternative would be much worse and would involve something close to totalitarianism but this is the big lie and does not bear any scrutiny.It is the bugbear that is intended to close down all debate just as the establishment sought to silence the debate on the EU until UKIP came along and forced it on to the national agenda.We need a discussion on the NHS and the Welfare State and taxation just as urgently as we needed the dicussion on the EU and we must not allow the statists of the main parties to silence this debate.Some idiots and oportunists have used the present disatisfaction with the existing political order to propose what are antedeluuvian statist solutions involving an even greater erosion of existing liberties such as the ridiculous Russel Brand who seems to think the solution to an over weening State is yet more state,draconian taxes and a neo communist revolution.This is like proposing an intake of arsenic for indegestion and is beyond all rational debate.A serious plan to push back the state and slash taxes and dismantle vast swathes of the leviathan state can and must be proposed.It must be argued on moral grounds not economical ones albeit the economical benefits would flow from such proposals

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