Saturday, November 22, 2014

Redrawing the Frontiers of the State for the 21st Century

Analogue politics in a digital age is no longer sustainable..Its so 20th century and the electorate are getting restless and UKIP are riding the wave of national consciouness that is febrile and restless and intolerant of the statist hegemonists of two party politics.Something better change is the now general consensus although it is not altogether focused as yet.The trajectory to a smaller reduced state requires  clear articulation and reasoned argument that has barely begun.The challenge is great but must be risen to and a good place to start would be to point out that a big paternalist state that we have now infantilises the population,strips them of independence,denies them their liberty and keeps them in a permanent state  of impotence and resentment.Tapping in to current discontent such a debate would lead to the conclusion that the state should do less and then a disussion on how its frontiers could be redrawn radically, emphasising individual choice in areas such as health and education,removing the state from these spheres and introducing the notion that taxation is more an unecessary evil than a necessary good.This is but a very sketchy brief unfleshed out indication of the direction of travel towards the small state predicated on individual rights and away from the statism that has gradually grown over the last two centuries to our  present very illiberal State.

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