Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Democracy versus the Non Coercive State

As Ed miliband was delivering his blood curdling Marxist diatribe at Labour conference yesterday it reminded me of those ISIS videos of beheadings and the threat and intimidation and fear they are designed to engender in the viewer.Look he was gloating,this is what I am going to do to you British people and there is not a thing you can do about it.And indeed in a democracy there is no a thing we can do about it.It is the gentrification of tyranny thru the ballot box.If the mob votes for it,it will happen.There is no protection,no freedom,no liberty no individual rights.This is what we are so proud of and want to export globally.There is an antidote to Democracy of course and it is liberty.A non coercive state is desirable and possible and would preclude taxation the ultimate coercive act against a disarmed population.Do not let anyone tell you it is wildly utopian,unrealistic,impractical because what they are saying is liberty and the upholding individual rights are those things,products of a deranged mind.But that is not so much a statement of fact as an ugly psychological confession, namely that human bondage and slavery is the natural state of man and to challenge it is to go against centuries of history and man's natural fate.It is civilized to enslave oneself to the masses,to the needs of otheres and uncivilized to refuse to do so.An inverted moral universe is revealed here by the collectivists and democracy lovers,to whom man is an end to the needs of others not himself,a mere cipher or pawn to be moved around the board,exploited and used to the service of anyone's need but his own.

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