Friday, September 05, 2014

Bye Bye Scotland

Despite the best efforts of the BBC and the rest of the liberal media the Scots are unlikely to vote for independence as they know if they were to do so the only thing they would do is starve as the English Welfare spigot would be turned off and the dwindling oil reserves would not pay to keep them in the welfare state to which they have come accustomed and dependent. The larcenous Scots may talk the talk but at the end of the day their lavish English funded welfare system will sway them away from a Yes vote. The English who have been disenfranchised and have no say in the matter would almost certainly vote Yes given the chance and if they were in possession of the facts which have been denied to them thanks to the slavish pro independence media who have facilitated the nationalist obfuscation programme to a slavish craven and criminal degree.If it were not for the socialist sasenachs there would not have been Labour governments down the years and parliament would have been free of their scourge,with a yes vote we would be free of any more Labour government so for that alone we should pray for independence.When the Scots begin to die off from hunger after a yes vote they should expect no foreign aid from England and as a wretched satrapy of Brussels which has bankrupted Europe they can expect very thin gruel from that quarter.Let us be rid of these chippy neo Communists across the border and embrace the sunny uplands of freedom and liberty separated at last from Scottish parasitism.

1 comment:

niconoclast said...

If the vote is No the English should have a referendum on whether to get independence from Scotland rather than promising to stuff yet more English gold down Scottish throats. The freeloading chippy Scots need a few home truths but instead we are bending over backwards to beg them to stay so they can carry on leeching off us.John Major Major has outlined albeit unwittingly many reasons why we should welcome a Yes vote such as we will have less clout in the UN.Good,it is an immoral criminal organization and we should have no truck with it.Again he says a Yes vote will leave us with less influence in the EU.Is he kidding?! We want out from that criminal racket as well.And then he says we will have less clout in NATO.Again,good as it is a clapped out cold war relic long past its sell by date.There are no downsides to a Yes vote and if it happens the English should be dancing in the streets.Good riddance to bad Socialist rubbish!