Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Christopher And His Fiends

What happens when the Left falls out?I don't know, but it can be very entertaining! Like an existential frisson,the divided Left is always good news for us freedom and liberty lovers.Its a bit like I imagine what it must have felt like when the Soviet Communists and the German Nazis were slaughtering one another on an industrial scale.Just sit back and enjoy the spectacle.It always amuses me how mad Leftists know that they can no longer truckle and fawn to the old Soviet union but they can express the love that dare not speak its name in disguised form by eulogising over the heroic battle the Soviets fought against the Nazis in Stalingrad or wherever it was.

Yesterday it was Media Hassan who was caught up in an argument with a fellow Leftist Guardian feminist on radio 4 Today programme.I have not enjoyed an exchange on the radio so much for a very long time.Hassan dared recently to take a critical position on abortion and apparently has been excoriated and kicked about like an football across the pages of the media ever since.Do I feel any sympathy for him? None whatsoever.Conservatives and pro-freedom Capitalists have been brutally assaulted by the Left for the longest time.Now lets see how a leftist likes it when he is subject to ad hominmen abuse and unwarranted character assassination for daring to deviate from the standard received wisdom of the Left.

Christopher Hitchens suffered the same fate when he dared to support the war on terror and Bush.He went from hero to zero overnight.Him I do have sympathy with because he was a great man,a brilliant journalist and a person of principle unlike Hassan who is a vile attack dog of the left and who has now at long last got a taste of his own medicine.

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