Thursday, January 05, 2012

The Power To Tax Is The Power To Enslave

People! When will you awaken from your sleep of reason and see that the unfettered taxing State is the tyrant who would enslave you all!What will it take?The bonds of slavery are already fastened around you.The seductive voice of the enslaver State has lulled you into a comatose hypnosis proffering you welfare extracted from you in the first place.How stupid are you,how easily gulled,disarmed by the sophistry of tyrants who would give you everything and take everything to do it to feed the parasitic welfariat bred into existence with your hard earned money taken in taxes.You fools,you imbeciles credulous to the last,voting in another batch of tyrants who will take away your remaining freedoms whilst promising you the earth.How do they do it?By appealing to the most evil impulse in the human breast:the desire for the unearned.What is tyhe evil creed they use to disarm your opposition be there any? Altruism.Self sacrifice with its Christian Platonist roots.For centuries you have had it dinned into you.Sacrifice is the highest ideal,bare your neck to others needs and wants.To keep what is yours is evil,to give is good,the rich are evil the poor are good.Poverty is a virtue,wealth is the root of evil.Tax,tax,tax the rich till they squeal.Dare to achieve,aspire, become wealthy?Woe betide you,you will become hated,envied,lectured to,robbed stripped of your wealth to feed those who are too lazy to feed themselves and all in the name of the evil of altruism.This crime against humanity is committed under many names,Communism,Socialism,Fascism,Liberalism,Democracy,Conservatism but its goal is the same: to rule and enslave the minds of the creators and to bring into being a substrata of subhumanoids bred on welfare with a sense of entitlement hardwired into them represented by the power elite who promise them yet more of the unearned taking from the taxes of the few remaining producers who are stupid enough to carry on working under bondage.


M. Simon said...

I just saw your post. I have been passing this around:

The central issue of our times:

The power to tax is the power to enslave.

For what are you willing to be a slave?

For what are you willing to enslave others?

Pass it on. Claim it as your own.

niconoclast said...

Intelllectualism will never be gounded in objective reality because were objective reality to exist and be capacible of observation as such then nobody wouldn eed to make theoretical statements about it.

niconoclast said...

the above is a quote from some idiot on conhome and I wanted to memorialise it and comment on it later.Hope no one thinks I subscribe to its madness!