Saturday, November 12, 2011

Reflections On The Capitalist Revolution

Without wanting to be a Pain or a Burk it has to be said, a strong coffee does spur the Capitalist revolutionary impulse.All things become possible for the duration.Not that I am a hot head.I understand the Marxist thing about the long march through the institutions.But last night I was a thinking.If someone is mugging you and demanding your worldy goods (not that there are any other sort I might add) do your really have to launch into a philosophical discussion with him about the evil of plunder and the instigation of force against another to apropriate his or her wealth,or do you just hit him over the head with a blunt instrument? This is where I depart some what from the Randian Objectivists.I ask them, if the State is mugging you every day and looting your property do we really have to engage in a generation long philosophical re education programme to convince everyone that looting whether it be done by individuals or the State against others is immoral and evil,or do we just resist the State in a massive civil 'disobedience' non-compliance campaign? Seems a no-brainer to me.Of course where we depart is only regarding the means to achieving freedom, not the end ie freedom itself.

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