Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Phoney Blair.An Epic Journey In Tedium

I bought the box set of Blair autobiography with high expectations. Five minutes into the 13 cd yet abridged My Journey I was exhausted and fatigued with the cliche bound pedestrian tedium of his shallow substanceless triteness.How on earth was anyone ever taken in by this phoney? I am going to grit my teeth and try again.I must solve this conundrum.Watch this space...

1 comment:

niconoclast said...

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If you defend Capitalism and at the end declare that a person’s need should be a claim on the lives of others and the only question is how much the State should help them you are not a Capitalist but a Socialist.This is the Redwood dilemna.You cannot argue for Capitalism and then concede the main Socialist argument namely that a person’s need should be a mortgage on the lives of others.It is like having a debate defending the virtues of vegetarianism and then conceding its ok to go to Macdonalds whenever the fancy takes you.There is no hope for Conservatives if the most intellectual and thoughful of their kind can make such a catastrophic sloppy elemental intellectual error.