Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Taxation Is Slavery

Taxation is the use of force by the State against a defenceless populace to deprive it of its property.It is an act of theft and should not be sanctioned or rationalised away by eupehemisms or evasions.The State's sole function is to protect individual rights not to violate them by arbitrary dictat and appropriation of private property in the name of some subjectivist mushy non defined 'public good'.Any country that practises such larceny is violating the liberty of its citizens and is rightly speaking Communist and totally without moral legitimacy.

The argument for taxation is couched in deliberately vague terms,words such as 'fairness' are deployed, tired phrases such as 'those with the broadest shoulders should bear the most',(shades of Animal Farm) and bizarre comments such as the rich will not down tools because the highest earners are compulsive entrepreneurs who cannot stop working even if they tried with the obvious implication that therfor they can be taxed with impunity.The tax mongers have become so mad and arrogant with power that they do not feel the need to even disguise their naked wealth grab and are brazen in their contempt for such pesky little matters as property rights,liberty and the individual rights of the wealth creators.They have sussed the zeitegeist and know that they can stick it to the rich and be respected for it by the non productive envy ridden mediocrities who are the liberal's natural voting clientiele.

Once it becomes clear in the public mind that taxation is indeed theft no matter how many euphemisms are deployed and layered upon it to disguise the fact,then taxation will no longer be tolerated and no governement that tried to impose it would be given the time of day.We have a distance to travel before we reach that destination but it can be done if presented in clear terms and explained in such a way that the big lie of taxation is exposed and the elaborate obsfuscation painstakingly constructed around it is stripped away to reveal the nasty little secret of the great tax con.

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