Thursday, July 31, 2008

Intolerance of The Fascist Left

Two obnoxious characters heard on the radio recently, Peter Tatchel and Richard Dawkins spouting their usual liberal fascist views reminded me as if I needed reminding of how bigoted and hidebound liberals are.In Tatchel's world no one is allowed to be anti homosexual on religious grounds.In Dawkins blinkered universe if one doesn't spout the Darwinistic claptrap that he endorses one is less than human and to be treated with contempt.How shaky are the foundations of this deluded man's false beliefs that he has to go round proselytising his perverted religion like the mad zealot that he is.

There is simply no way truth and falsehood can coexist peacefully.There is no peaceful way of reconciling good with evil.One has to prevail over the other.Either babies are killed or they are not.Either sodomy is regarded as normal and acceptable or it is not.One side has to win.We know which side has won.Evil flourishes,the liberals have won.On every front.Liberal hegemony is hell on earth.Nothing short of a war against liberalism will turn things around.Like that is going to happen.


Anonymous said...

IMO Tachel, who wants the age of anal consent lowered to 14, 'knows' what he is doing. A product of the absent father and abusive mother. His face is set hard against the father. The mother he seeks to replace. Tachel has nothing to do with breeders, working tirelessly to destroy family values and morality. That is why his organisation is called Stonewall.

Dawkins is a product of the liberal mother and absent father and so only seeks intellectual reasoning to please Her. He is tied to her apron strings where his insight attrophied in deference to her intuition, losing his realization that compassion is a destructive force.

It is patently obvious that no one know the Infinite Supreme Creator, so obvious that identifying with carnal pleasures makes a person a pig. Yet people worship God in collectives, people worship lust in collectives.

Dawkins blind to the female, is blind to Communism. Therefore Tachell who has made himself conterfeit female, can do no wrong.

Socialism is like a virus with a population with no immune system. And it all started by destroying the family.

niconoclast said...

Your learned contribution is as ever, appreciated.