Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Official:Peter Oborne Is Barking Mad

You have to hand it to Peter Oborne.The man likes going out on a limb.On Monday he was on Ch 4 telling us that 'British' Muslims are a persecuted minority.We don't understand them.People aren't being nice to them.They are victims of prejudice.If we were saying the kind of things we are saying of muslims about black people or jews it would be seen as unacceptable racism.Er, one little problem here Peter,the last time I checked there were'nt any jews or black people in the UK threatening the West with extinction and blowing themselves up on the buses and underground.

It is not enough that a large percentage of muslims think 9/11 was justified and that we should have sharia law in the UK and that thousands of mosques have sprouted up around the UK and that the establiushment is in a permanent posture of cultural cringe re muslims in the UK.We are now asked or told by the likes of Oborne that UK muslims are a persecuted minority and we should be ashamed of how we are treating them. Perhaps the man should seek help for his masochistic tendencies and should seek to exorcise them rather than excercising them on national TV.

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