Monday, August 28, 2006


It is a sobering thought that literacy rates were higher over a hundred years ago in the UK before education was seized by the State and Nationalised. It is a mystery why so many still cling to the belief that Nanny knows best and we should leave it to the State to run education. Perhaps it is simply that people have become so dumbed down by state education and cannot consequently think clearly about anything anymore.

It could also be the gambling syndrome. Addicts will repeatedly return to the roulette wheel even though every past experience should have taught them that they cannot beat the wheel .One more throw should do it. Likewise the State keeps on failing them and not delivering but they keep on coming back to it with their false expectations. We have all become State junkies. What do they say about madness ? - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.


niconoclast said...

Maybe I am being a bit unfair. Recent reports show that even those on relatively lower incomes are scrimping and saving to put their children through non state schooling so apparent is the sorry decline of standards in the State system.

Anonymous said...

One thing that worries me, with this and other aspects of socialism, is the generational effect, i.e. as soon as one generation has voted socialist, seen the results, and moved to a more right wing party as a result, then along comes the next generation of naive idiots eager to learn from their own mistakes.

We thus seem to have a never ending majority for the left. The individual participants in this farce wise up and move on, only to be replaced by the next batch of gullible fools.

This situation may have improved as the baby boomers aged and demographics changed to increase the proportion of older people. At least it may have changed if the socialists hadn't thrown open the borders to welcome so many immigrants.

Pirate said...

I was having this discussion yesterday. I think state education and big church religions are both a scam cut from the same mold.

I believe in God and education I just have a problem with those who want to monopolize both.