Saturday, June 17, 2006

Islam Recognised as a Mental Illness

Well it should be.Islamapathy is characterised by hysteria, psychosis, paranoia, self esteem deficiency, denial, total lack of self awarenesss and humour.

With such a tenuous grip on reality the slightest critique of their religion sends the average Islamopath into a red mist mentalist fit;the slight must be avenged and because no rational discourse is possible the only recourse is to violent physical force.

Until it is officially recognised as a mental disorder there can be no cure for Islamopathy.Invariably the Islamopath's self loathing is so endemic it finds the ultimate expresssion in suicide and it has developed this cultic and totemic death worship to grisly perfectionism in the form of suicide bombing.

Islamopathy in its political expression is the most virulent form of totalitarianism and is identical in many ways to communism and fascism with the fatal difference that it represents the dead end of nihilism and is ultimately self negating, and thus impotent.

It's self devouring rage will be its own death knell,not before of course it has rampaged across Europe leaving a swathe of havoc in its wake,facilitated by the liberal death-wishing of the West with its hand wringing appeasement and truckling to evil in a pathetic attempt at a Chamberlinesque bid for 'peace'.


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