Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Forrest Gate: Nothing To Apologise For

The raid was a success. A few Muslims were shot,the 'community' got a short sharp shock -all is well.

Compensation? How dare they! The Muslim Community -the very idea! The Muslim Ghetto more like. There should be no 'muslim community' Who do they think they are. WHERE do they think they are. This is the UK. We will not tolerate 'muslim communities'.

How about calling it the Mausoleum Community?

The outrage of all was when a so called 'Muslim spokesman' dared to criticisze our foreign policy in Iraq as being responsible for breeding disaffection amongst 'british muslims'.Bollocks.The first and only swear word you will Ever hear or read on this my blog.It warrants it.Utter b#####. For that alone the spokesman should be deported.

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