Thursday, May 18, 2006

Thinking Out Loud

Am I getting tired of politics and /or blogging?The couple of visitors I have may have noticed the falling off recently in the blog dept. You kind of get the feeling you are talking to yourself.When I see the average mundane sites that get scores of comments it makes you wonder what your blogging is for.So I may just be coming to the end of this.Being paid to write makes sense, this alas does not. What was once a pleasure is now a chore.

I could drag myself to the key pad every day and prose on about Blair Brown but at the end of the day (uggh) what does it achieve? Such blogs are two a penny anyway. Perhaps I will be like Green Carpet who takes long breaks. Or maybe a more subjective approach is in order.

Right now I would sooner be watching re-runs of the early Buffy on fx chanel or listening to my cd of child prodigy/ female Michael Jackson, Jo Jo.Or even struggling with Orlando Figes sprawling People's Tragedy. So it's time to Blog Off! Almost. Anyone see the repeat of the Arena Evelyn Waugh Trilogy on BBC4?Now there was a true Englishman and great writer. Perhaps I will just talk about such things now rather than descant on the moral pygmies who are forever scuttling across the political Wasteland,that barren and jejune landscape of despair...


Raw Carrot said...

I could drag myself to the key pad every day and prose on about Blair Brown but at the end of the day (uggh) what does it achieve? Such blogs are two a penny anyway.

I know exactly what you mean. Recently I have started to ponder the very same question.

I'm not entirely sure what the answer really is. Certainly, sometimes I enjoy blogging - but increasingly I start to 'write' a piece and then think: can I really be bothered?

Afterall, if I instead put the time spent blogging into writing a book or something, perhaps in a few years I would have something substantive and more-or-less coherent to show for my efforts?

It's an interesting problem.

Another thing: I don't know about you, but when I come across blogs with posts averagging more than 5 comments, I tend to not bother reading it... I much prefer the smaller, less busy sites... Very odd... Perhaps this indicates my underlying dislike for the "masses"? Haha.

I think the best thing about the right-wing blogosphere though is that (unlike most local Tory organisations) you can be as right-wing as you like...

niconoclast said...

With your more formal education I would say a book would be the way to go.

Unstructured fulminating is my MO so I guess blog standard it'll have to be....