Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Democracy's Fatal Conceit

Democracy contains within it the seeds of its own destruction because in any society only a small minority is super productive and creative.The rest are drones.

In a democracy the drones will always outvote the producers who will become slaves to the drones.In a Democracy they will vote to redistribute the wealth and productive efforts of the wealth creators who, if they can, will flee to another country where their productive efforts are appreciated, or they will simply go on strike and stop producing.

So democracy is mob rule,rule by the lowest common denominator and through ignorance and stupidity the non productive destroy the country by their ill cast votes,appealed to by politicians whoring for power and promising the moon but only ever delivering green cheese.

On a BBC programme last night there was a programme about Lloyd George and the welsh presenter was drooling over this great man who it was clear, was the original blue print architect of the welfare state.The man was practically a communist.Tony Benn was salivating over his 'achievements'.Here we have the classic case of mountebank politician vote grubbing for the democratic mandate to rob the producers and give to the non producers with all the dire consequences that followed.Wouldn't it be good if all the instigators of such fatal reforms were brought back to life to see the devastating results and consequences of their perverted philanthropy, and had their noses well and truly rubbed into the new social ordure they have spawned?


Anonymous said...

We appear to be travelling a similar path, I put up a post on my blog on Monday covering the same theme.
Where I am at a loss, is to come up with any alternative that doesn't make me appear to be a complete fruitcake to the 99% of my peers who have an unquestioning and unshakeable faith in democracy.

niconoclast said...


If you wait for the imprimatur of your peers you will have a very long wait and it won't be worth anything anyway.

Anonymous said...

I've often thought about meritocracy, but how does one sell this concept?

For example wealth was traditionally used to qualify electors. If you were to plot wealth against position on the political spectrum I'm sure you would get a clear, possibly even straight line, relationship. The smaller/more wealthy the electorate the more right wing the government. So how does one logically select a point on this line to get the correct or optimum composition of voters/non-voters. Whatever you suggested would be an arbitary split which could only be imposed from above by someone like a benevolent dictator. And it's hard to see how this could ever happen.