Saturday, April 22, 2006

Cry, The Beloved Country

Watching a programme on ITV last night on the Queen and seeing all the footage from over half a century ago I could almost weep at how a once great and noble country has been reduced to a multicultural cess pit,a crime infested Socialist hell hole.

The Queen represents everything that was good and noble about the British,something unique,great,gracious,a bygone era of respect and dignity,where duty was the byeword.

Ruled by restraint,decorum,decency,honesty, integrity,honour,the country that defeated Hitler was a great homogenous nation,united by valour and a common culture.How could a nation fall so low,become so degraded, bastardised,mongrolised?

The answer can be summed up in one word: Leftism.The forces of darkness,the left systematically dismantled a great nation without a shot being fired by introducing an alien cancerous spore called Socialism.By sleight of hand it presented this evil as good,as humanitarian, and a nation was beguiled by the siren voice of Hell,falling deep down into the maw of Hades,eaten alive by Welfarism,the parasites charter called The Welfare State.

With the Looters Charter,robbing Peter to pay Paul,institutionalised plunder,a spirital cannibalism,Britain was sold a bill of goods and now with the very soul bred out of it only the facade remains,the Potemkin village of Buckingham Palace, a cultural theme park where millions flock to witness the remnants of a truly great nation that until very recently ruled over half the earth with a benign munificence,bringing civilisation to the unwashed natives of far off countries.An empire on which the sun set with a vengeance.

Subjected to black rule the newly 'liberated' African nations quickly fell back into the darkness from which they had been sprung,reverting to type:killing and eating one another.Like dominoes the nations fell back into the pits of hell,Marxist hell holes ruled by Black Hitlers with periodic cycles of blood letting,looting,cannibalism,genocide,Devil worship, brought low by Communist Voodoo Economics.A new word was coined to sum up the newly emeging African States: Kleptocracies:Rule by theft and plunder.

In a reverse of Empire the subject peoples fled to their former masters ,to the UK, but brought their subculture with them and like a bacillus it fed on the host nation till it was reduced to the same degraded state and became what we have today, a mishapen multicultural after-birth.


Raw Carrot said...

Hear, hear! I'm currently considering whether I might be better off in some state out in the mid-west of the USA where i can just get on with my life free of Lefties... and should any lefties come to my door... I shall just shoot them with a hunting rifle I will be allowed to keep above the front door. And if it's jammed, well, I'll take 'em out with the uzi beneath the flower pot, and if that fails, I'll just call the local militia to run 'em down.

Honestly, what has happened to Britain... To be quite honest, despite being rather young, I don't see a bright future at all for Britain. In fact, I'd probably say Enoch Powell was right all along...

Does that make me a racist? God, only knows - but I would certainly like to be proud of my country...

Anonymous said...

Well put.

Until recently, I assumed that people would appreciate what has happened and realise that...

Socialism = bad

....but to my dismay, the bulk of the populaton does not seem to have any sense of history and as such may never see the light.

I've heard many people as young as their late twenties saying that things have got worse since their childhood, but this is as far as they can see. As a result, the country degenerates further and further with every generation, but at any given time most people only see the small decline locked in the memory of their own experiences.

Raw Carrot said...

An elderly relative of mine (into her late 90s) often recalls the men who died in WWI and how ever since then the country has gone down the proverbial shitter. It *is* an absolute disgrace to think that men died in WWI leaving women and children behind to fend for themselves - while today we welcome all and sundry to come into this country to rob, pillage, rape and murder their way to asylum - or else false identities linked to nice generous benefits.

Absolutely disgusting.