Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Few months is a long time in politics....

Well since we last convened lol we have become a Banana Republic, but with the bananas Monarchy still sadly in place though - perhaps not  for much longer as the Prince and Princess of Woke slowly descend into a spiral of madness and disappear up their respective fundaments.

Still we have more important things to concern ourselves with such as how to adjust to the fact that we are on the precipice of tumbling into an authoritarian totalitarian state with a zombie government of quislings and lickspittles holding us captive in their vortex of  obsfuscatory white noise double speak word salad.

People laughed when I said Borris should plant his tanks on Parliament square and flush out the co opted Brussels-captured traitors and Cromwell-fashion flush them out the Houses of toilet chambers but that's about the only thing that will work right now.

Remoaner Remember the 5th of November. It's just a beat away.

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