Sunday, December 23, 2018

Liberals caught with their Pantsdown

Up until '16 the Liberals could just about get away with the great pretense that they were indeed liberals but since Brexit that pretense has been exposed in all its ugly putrescence. The fig leaf of democracy has been torn away to reveal the ugly truth beneath -the liberals are a squalid party of illiberal big government elitists with profoundly illiberal tendencie -s witness their open contempt for the 17 plus million people who voted to get out of the illiberal EU and their insistence enunciated in nauseatingly faux moral tones that they be made to go back and vote again -and this time get it right.

The death announced today of the ridiculous pompous jackass liberal grandee Paddy Ashdown is a reminder of just how out of touch with reality liberals can get. This preposterous posturing political pygmy with his faux gravitas and his delusions of competence was almost a caricature of the worst sort of liberal -smarmy, patronising suffering from acute self awareness deficit and the delusion that any fatuous statement that ushered from his lips was of interest to anyone other than his psychiatrist and his narrow band of cultic acolytes  taken in by his preening prattling vacuity masquerading as principle.

The liberals have been eviscerated since their power lusting coalition gambit backfired and one can only hope that their days in the political wilderness are long and arid  and that their tedious sanctimony never better embodied than by prattling paddy and dreams of future office and influence will be burried along with his cancer ridden corpse. 

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