Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Civil Liberties Trojan Horse

We cannot extend civil liberties to uncivil illiberal people. How can we take seriously the likes of Chakrabati of the absurdly misnamed Liberty pressure group when she is a left wing crackpot with socialist leanings and so cannot possibly be a champion of liberty in any true meaning of the word? If her kind prevailed Al quaeda would already have won the war.

The silly David Davis who seems to have allowed the even silier chakrabati to gain an unhealthy ascendancy over his mind is one of the many useful idiots of Al Quade and the terrorists who cannot surely believe their luck in managing to get so many figures of the establishment to sing their tune and so smooth their path to total victory over the West.

That so many Conservatives have fallen for this civil liberties propaganda is an indication of how far to the left they have drifted.

Let us not take seriously the cry of civil liberties from people who have spent all their political life taking ours away with their dirigiste socialist policies.The hollow ring of their words when they unctuously utter the civil liberties mantra has become a deafening and cacophonous din.

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