Sunday, February 17, 2008

Global Balkanisation

Ayn Rand was prescient in her essay Global Balkanisation. Nostradamus was an amateur. Just look at what is happening in Kossovo with their bid for independence. I don't usually agree with Putin who seems to have dragged the Soviet dog back to its vomit but in this he is right. It is illegal, unconstitutional and should not be recognised by the international 'community'. I am half hoping Russia will intervene militarily.

I've always thought the West was on the wrong side in the Balkans conflict and should have supported the Serbs in their battle with the muslim fascists. You could make a good case out for our missalliance with the muslims in that conflict leading to their actions re 9/11.As usual the EU is supporting ther Kossovans as it cannot see an argument without getting on the wrong side of it.

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