Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Environmentalism and the New Political Breed of Witchdoctors

Gullible warming. Scam report . Scam alert! If any modern superstition and pseudo science was tailor made for politicos and chancers, environmentalism is it. It has all the composites for mass manipulation and tax raising revenue. Fear. Fear. And more fear. You have nothing to fear but fear itself. This tool of Fear is the geatest in the politican's arsenal and he wields it with all the panache of a master hypnotist.

Guilt is the back up ploy. Do you want to leave a ruined planet for your heirs? Small wonder the Leftists fell on environmntalism like a starving man on food. Just when everyone was beginning to see the utter bankruptcy of the left a new superstition was constructed guaranteed to keep them in business for decades. From the ashes of socialism rose the phoenix of environmentalsim. Collectivism was taken off the life support system,given a makeover, a new meme, lexicon and dialectic and the monstrous hybrid is striding across the politcal landscape like a colossus.

All political parties have had to give obesiance to the God of Environmentalism, offer it sacrifices, mouth its pieties, spew its plattitudes, observe its rituals, rehearse its vacuities, spout its doggerel.Heretics are burned at the stake of 'public opinion' (definition: whatever the liberal elite bien passant say it is).

Politicians are used to playing God and now they can assume that role officially. They can now control the weather! The kudos, the maniacal power!

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