Friday, June 08, 2007

Not A Penny More

These people deserve Nothing. Why do we allow politicians to steal our money and funnel it down the black hole of Africa? This is wholesale larceny. How dare they present it as a humanitarian gesture. Africa is going to hell in a handbasket and we are footing the bill. Let them rot in hell. Foreign aid is an obscenity. Charity at the point of a gun. It is done to make politicians look good.Ignoble people seeking nobility through noble causes - that doesn't cost them a penny. We pay for their vicarious philanthropy.

Africa takes the Darwin award every time. Let us leave it to its well deserved fate. If you want to throw your money at this godforsaken continent no one will stop you. In my kind of world no one will be forced to give their money to lost causes. That is tyranny.

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