Monday, January 30, 2006

Tories Slow Motion Assisted Suicide Program

It is becoming obvious that Conservatives need a new party and that Camoron has lost whatever few marbles he ever had.As Tebbit ponted out today the antics of the reformers have disenfranchised at least 4 million Conservative voters who have stayed at home at election time.

Is the formation of a new party tenable and realistic?Why not.The SDP changed the face of British politics even if just as a catalyst to bring Old Labour to its knees.We could go further and actually start a new party that would supplant the present one of pretenders and chancers.

It would resemble more the present Republican Party ;anti abortion,anti homosexuality,pro death penalty,free market capitalist,limited glovernment,anti regulation, zero tolerant on crime and would take the UK out of the EU,privatise the NHS and the BBC and State Education,slash taxes, formally acknowledge the Gramscian culture war and join it. That would be a start anyway.


alechodgson said...

Out of interest why "anti-abortion"? Surely we should have mandatory abortion for any girl under 20 or for those who cannot support a child by herself?

More seriously, I think abortion is bad, but err towards the libertarian end of the spectrum on such divisive issues. It's not a decision a woman takes without serious thought.

Raw Carrot said...

Cameron has concerned me too, but I think all he is doing is attempting to shake off the "nasty party" image and drive Blair into defeat by praising him and upsetting the real lefties in Labour.

Personally, while I would prefer Cameron to say yes to grammar schools, and take a zero-tolerance line on crime, and take UK out of EU, the bottom line is that it cannot be done - at least not if Cameron wants to win the next election.

I have to agree with alec on this: the state should be as small as possible, extremely tough when it does intervene (on crime, etc.), and for the most part leave people to their own devices.

If people want to be gay - go right ahead - but do not force it on others, do not expect special treatment, and (this is my feeling) do not expect to adopt children.

On abortion, I too think it is a bad thing, but I think it should be an available option: if I was a woman and some guy raped me and I was carrying his child I'd want to see it gone... and I'd be pissed if I wasn't able to have one.

In short, I too am a little sad that the tories have had to make a dash for the centre ground - but once we get back in power we can haul the ground back to the right and take the country with us... and that is the social and political reality I'm afraid to say...

niconoclast said...

That is very dishonest a programme: to profess to be one thing and when in Government be another.It corrupts the political process -and do we need any more of that?

It also negates Thatcherism -which was successfull precisely because it was honest and transparent,not underhand and sneaky!

This dogmatic pragmatism is corosive to the soul and is not even efficacious -it just breeds more cynicism with politics.

At its base this crab wise approach to ideology betokens a massive loss of confidence.Have the courage of your convictions please!

Re abortion it is really Hiterian Eugenics masquerading as libertarianism.Get to the root and change the rotten permissive welfare culture of condom dissemination in schools and pronographic sex education which is little more than de facto paeodphile grooming.Not dealing with the end product -babies by euphemistically 'aborting' them.

niconoclast said...

I had to rush that comment because the phone rang.Only wanted to add that re the EU the majority of the country can see right through that evil institution.It would be pushing at an open door for the tories to say their policy is Withdrawal.

Same old loss of nerve and moral funk.The party is infested with moral invertebrates.

Raw Carrot said...

I know what you're saying. I really despise the fact that in Britain today (for various possible reasons) it is the case that if you want to win you have to care more about image and what will play well in the media, than about real policies and ideology.

As I see it, if the Tories were to go "right" and tell it how it is, then they would be labelled by vast sections of the media and society as being: alarmist, xenophobic, homophobic, etc. etc. etc. with the result being that nobody will vote for us.

The remedy to this seems quite clear:

We need to disenfranchise people who do not care enough about politics. Of course, this is a slippery slope (and would be nigh on impossible to achieve!), but I don't see how else we can prevent the "celebrity/image/bullshit" politics we see in the UK at the moment.

Do you accept that the above would happen if we were to stand up and tell the truth? And, if so, do you have any thoughts on how to counter it?

niconoclast said...

No I don't and I have already stated why.The most successful period in the party was during the 80's when Thatcher smashed the con-sensus and she never went round asking the BBC's permission.She had conviction.

Instead of a political colossus we have political pygmies who look to focus groups because they have no focus.They go whoring around for opinions and the electorate can smell that they are people pleasers with no principles or values.

Characterless clones do not a party make.We need a Churchill or a Thatcher,but the politcal landscape is a Wasteland.I did not know Tory death had undone so many.