Friday, July 08, 2005

Islam -The Psychopathology of Evil

It is no secret that all sucides are cowards and that all suicides secretly wish to take others with them. Remember the scene in a Clint eastwood film when he climbs up a building to talk to a suicide who asks him to grab his hand and Eastwood replies (in so many words) 'no,you want to drag me with you' .

Why then do media pundits insist on referring to Islamic suicide bombers bravery,positing that it takes guts to go into a crowded thoroughfare and blow up yourself and everyone around you?

When you get a cult based on the worship of death the only response is to give it what it craves -total anhiliation. You cannot parley with it,pander to it,negotiate with it,appease it or humour it as we have attempted to do in the UK with our tiptoeing around Islam,our PC pieties of multiculturalism and enactment of 'hate laws protecting the most hate fuelled-filled religion on earth.

On Thursday in London the chickens came home to roost. The total deIslamification of the UK must now begin.

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