Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The Soviet EUNION?

Britain was under Labour in the pre EU days and suffered economically.

To say the EU was a cure for UK economic woes would be like saying arsenic is a cure for cancer.

Yes Heath had a turn in office but he was a lefty anyway and coined the phrase 'unnacceptable face of capitalism'.

Fortunately Thatcher came along and cured UK economic woes. The EU retards our economy and we would be better out of it.

But the good news is, economic think tanks in the USA have predicted that the EU will collapse in 15 years! (That long?!)

Why? Because like the old Soviet Union on which the EU is based, command economics, centralist Statist sollutions do not work. Only the free market creates real jobs (not Mickey Mouse Gordon Brown public sector ones).

The only countries that seem to like the EU are those that have been in the last 60 years under totalitarianism such as Germany, France(under Germany), Spain, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Turkey etc.

It is like they are returning dog fashion to their vomit and are hankering after a fuhrer. The tyrannical undemocratic EU fits the bill