Friday, September 07, 2018

Sociology Boy Owen Jones Does Have a point

On the bbc r4 prog Today prog Owen Jones rips into Blair in a demolition job par excellence pointing out his sordid Saudi links, his selling himself like a raddled whore to every arabic dictatorship. At the end he puts the boot in to Nick Robinson who likes to think he is a heavy hitter in the abrasive interview dept. Bodies strewn all over the shop Owen jones is a political bruiser peerless in brutality and it was all good entertaining knockabout fun.

He might look like a girl but he packs a punch and as one of Corbyn's intellectual henchmen he is no doubt an asset but his Faustian pact with the old hand Marxist will surely lead to tears before bedtime and his meteoric rise to fame will come crashing and burning to the ground when the whole sorry miserable saga is played out with its inevitable and wearily predictable denoument, as surely as all past socialist hell holes have devoured their children.

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