Monday, September 17, 2018

Does my Burkah look Good in this Culture?

Look at my burkah! Has it become a fashion statement - even  paradoxically a form of exhibitionism? Or is it the female ploy of seduction? Many girls are sending out mixed signals -burkah but from the waist down body hugging skirt or jeans. Having cake and eating it? Rebelling against parents but meeting in the middle?

Are they obeying programming parents or just going thru youthful rebellion where to dress in  the  garb of oppressive subjection is a direct challenge and rejection of their more liberal parents?

There is some virtue signalling going on too. Look at me. And it's one finger to the West, in your face rejection of modernity, female liberation, equality -setting the woman's movement back 800 years.

Should it be tolerated? You may notice this post is uncharacteristically littered with question mark denoting the vexed nature of the debate but in a climate of political correctness and thought control where ideas are policed rather than criminals such questions must be raised -it's almost a duty to approach such questions with fearless and defiant non political correctness.

Not fence sitting, just asking questions which I hope will provoke some interesting answers. Should it be banned this repressive muslim garb? I shall resist a glib answer and no doubt return to this after some further consideration!

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