Monday, September 10, 2018

Give me Brexit or give me Death!

That should be the rallying cry going forward. Parliament has been captured by Brussels long ago -70% of its members are Brussels lickspittles and lackeys, May is Merkel's bitch and the EU is the 4th Reich in all but name.

If silly simpering little girls like Remaniac Clare Woolaston really believe the biggest existential threat to her is she may have to leave the Conservative Party if Borris becomes its leader she ought to pause, develop some self awreness and understand that at the moment the Brexiteers are in triumphalist mode but if she and her Remaniacs prevail it will be them that require round the clock bodyguards not Farage.

The Brexit genie cannot be put back in the bottle no matter how much the Remainoids huff and puff and seek to circumvent democracy itself in pursuit of their Brussels ide fixe. They are conjuring and playing with forces  they have absolutely no idea the nature intensity and magnitude of. Let's hope reason will prevail and they will never get to experience such things.

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niconoclast said...
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