Monday, September 03, 2018

How Annoying That......

... Sociopaths and psychopaths are such nice people! Look at the photos of Hitler and kin. If you did not know the history or had lived under a rock and did not know who Hitler was you would think, what a nice family man, how he loves his dog...

Or Stalin, look at that idyllic photo, surrounded by his loved ones! So avuncular he was even called Uncle Joe and there are actually people alive today in Russia would you believe who after all the well documented death camps, the gulags, the 100 million slaughtered will tell you he was good for the country, he got things done.

Name your tyrant throughout history- ditto,ditto,ditto. Your next door neighbour, the man living down the street who you nod to as you pass, could be a Jihadist in training! Who's to know? If only sociopaths and psychopaths had horns growing out of their heads and smoke billowing out exuding toxic vapours - life would be so much easier. Alas..

This explains the mystery of why after almost every terrorist attack and outrage the same script is played out from neighbours and even friends: 'he was such a nice boy, a great neighbour, a family man yada yada ad nauseam. The first few hundred times I heard this my blood used to boil. Liars! They are lying,they knew what he was up to all along, they turned a blind eye. But no. Sadly no.

I am pretty sure if I were to meet a Christian or Muslim fundamentalist I could have a nice chat with them and not even know where they were coming from. Until of course the subject or religion came up.Up till then one could chat, socialize and not even know. It's like you are in such a setting and the nice stranger you have just met then tells you he belongs to the Nazi party and Hitler was great. He looked and sounded so normal...

How can we deal with this? After the death camps the Nazis who had not successfully fled ripped off their Nazi regalia, donned civilian dress and tried to pass thru Western security and if it were not for the fact that some of their victims were able to identify them personally as their recent tormentors they would have succeeded.Himler or someone did just this and escaped to Brazil or somewhere and lived a blameless life till the early 60's melding anonymously into the local community -until he was dramatically and heroically tracked down by Israeli secret police, taken back to Israel, tried and hung.

Take a look at him. He looks like a bureaucrat,with horned rimmed glasses, a book keeper. He was - he just kept books of jews to be sent to the gas ovens! Watch out for your local bureaucrat, your civil serpent. With the right power, leverage and circumstances he would do the same thing. Or don't bet he wouldn't. The priest, the unctuous god fearing man of the cloth -is buggering your little boy or girl.Praise be the Lord!

How these people despise the human race and their profession is a cover to exercise their psychopathic and nihilistic power and desire to destroy all human values in plain sight. The politician,the all things to all men, the populist even who pretends to be in touch with the common man. Take a look at Clem Atlee the Lenin lookalike who wanted to bring the New Jerusalem to the people and enslaved them to socialism. Psychopaths all. Be on guard!

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