Thursday, September 20, 2018

Predict That!

For some time I have been beating myself up about not having predicted the rise and rise of Corbyn, having got 3 of the major events right but this Corbyn thing came right out of left field so I really should go easy on myself regarding it.

Milliband was perhaps an outlier and although  I was concerned at the time about the Marxist reared twat, because he was just that it posed no real threat but no one was to predict what he would do namely to open up the party to the Militant Tendency who flooded back via his £3 Entryist membership rule change which effectively let the bats into the belfry.

Like a host that has been invaded by alien spores the party overnight was transformed into a basket case of motley Marxist loons for whom 1989 and the collapse of the Soviet Union was a year of Mourning and the goal was to reverse the dark night of the soul of the Blair years and to effectively fight the 20th century conflict between capital and labour  all over again.

Milliband in retrospect was the Trojan Horse and did his job as an enabler for Corbyn and then disappeared without trace but his role in the whole sordid affair will go down in the history books as the pivotal moment when Labour pressed the self destruct button bringing about the ultimate demise of the party.

A party comprised of activists on the Marxist fringe does not a party of government make. It gets its base from ignorant state 'educated' students but there are far more people in their 60's who will remember the nightmare years of the Left in the 70's who will be reluctant to vote for a party they no longer recognize so far to the Left has it travelled.

But predictions these days are best avoided and socialism should be seen more like a cancer that may be years in remission and then rears up unexpectedly even more virulent than before and the price of freedom as we know, but seem to have forgotten, is eternal vigilance.

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